Goooood Morning, Vietnam!!

Greetings from Vietnam! First, apologies are in order, as I ran out of time to hit the sauna as promised in Manila, so one mostly naked selfie is all you’re going to get. This week, anyway. Feel free to post heartfelt comments expressing your disappointment (or gratitude) in the comments section. Also, while we’re on the subject of the blog, you can subscribe for free by including your email address in the box that pops up when you get to this page. The way I understand it, every time I post another bit of genius, you get an email letting you know, so you don’t have to check the website every five minutes hoping for a new post. Think of how much time it will free up in your day. Literally hours back. And it’s free. For now. Once this thing gets rolling, it’ll probably be subscription only and $34.99 a month. And while I know you’d happily pay it, think of how much you’ll be kicking yourself if you had the chance to be one of the early Sport Dork adopters and missed your chance. Take thirty seconds now, and when you’re at a cocktail party years from now and someone mentions how they got in early on Amazon and have two yachts, you can look at them smugly and know that while you didn’t get in early on Amazon and don’t have two yachts, you did one better. You got in early on Sport Dork, and your soul is fuller than two yachts could ever make it.

The point is, you should totally do it. Everybody else is. In fact, if you don’t, you’ll probably be the only U.S. citizen who’s not, which will not be a good look for you. And you could risk deportation. I just read it online. New administration policy. Google it.

Seriously though, It took me about four hours to figure out how to add that feature, so a few of you need to throw me a bone and subscribe. I won’t do anything with your email address other than post it on the dark web, so you’ve got nothing to be worried about.

So where was I? Oh yeah – Vietnam, as only the Sport Dork could bring it to you! This trip has really challenged me to get outside my comfort zone and embrace new experiences, and I’m not talking about taking underwear selfies. We have sampled all kinds of exotic cuisine and visited incredible, sprawling markets with fruits and vegetables that we’ve never seen before. Here are a few pics of the amazing food we’ve seen and sampled.

Truly an incredible experience, and we’re grateful to have had the opportunity to explore another culture.

On a related note, I have now defecated in an airplane bathroom three times in my life, with two of those experiences occurring in the last five days. For those of you who struggle with math, that’s a 100% increase over my previous total. Talk about getting outside your comfort zone and accomplishing things you never thought possible. That achievement ties directly into another, which is that this may be the longest period of time I’ve ever gone without taking a stool softener.

Looking back on it, packing the stool softener was a foolish move. I could have used that space for another sleeve of Gas-X.  Mrs. Sport Dork gave me a hard time when she saw my Manila/Vietnam prep kit, but who’s who’s laughing now?

2 thoughts on “Goooood Morning, Vietnam!!

  1. The Philippines should be labeled the summer capital of the world! There’s just soo many beautiful placed to go and visit during the summer.

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