The Gift That Keeps On Giving

I ended my last post with a question: Is it possible, behind all of the self-inflicted chaos, that Antonio Brown was the mastermind behind an elaborate plan that would culminate with him winning a Super Bowl as a member of the New England Patriots? I posed that question nearly two weeks ago, and since then I know that you, The Sport Dork Nation, have been contemplating that very question and wondering when you might hear from me again. But you see, I’ve been waiting. Not for a new story to follow, or for sponsors, or for an offer from I’ve been waiting for Antonio, because I knew that with the benefit of time, Antonio would answer the question for us.

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve been tempted to write this post many times over the last couple weeks, when it looked like we may have an answer to our question. But I’m a patient man, and I had faith that Antonio would continue to add to his story and ultimately conclusively reveal the answer, so I sat tight and waited for Antonio to do his thing. And he did!

It would have been easy to pull the trigger prematurely. For instance, when he signed with the Patriots and was immediately slapped with a civil suit for sexual assault by his former trainer, which included some fairly disturbing text messages, it looked like we had our answer, as many were ready to proclaim that it was the end of the line. But fortunately for Antonio, we have a couple of pesky concepts in the U.S. known as ‘due process’ and ‘presumption of innocence’, as well as the broader notion that just because you don’t like someone or they may be an asshole, that doesn’t make them guilty. And while we seem to be struggling mightily with these principles as a nation right now, in this case they managed to persevere, and Antonio made his debut with the Patriots in Week 2.

For a moment it looked like Antonio was in the clear, at least until the lengthy conclusion of his civil suit. But if we know one thing about Antonio, it’s that there’s always more. So of course shortly after his successful debut with the Patriots, Sports Illustrated published a story containing allegations from another woman, claiming Antonio acted inappropriately towards her on multiple occasions. The pundits were once again out in full force, predicting Antonio’s imminent demise. But once again, allegations are just that – allegations – so it appeared that that NFL and the Patriots were willing to let the judicial process play out, and until that time Antonio would continue to spend his Sundays catching passes from Tom Brady, cementing New England’s position as prohibitive Super Bowl favorites.

This is where – surprise, surprise, this is an Antonio Brown story – things got interesting. Why? Because shortly after the Sports Illustrated story hit, the woman at the center of the story contacted members of Sports Illustrated to let them know she had received a series of texts from …… wait for it …… Antonio Brown. Apparently Antonio wasn’t texting her to let her know how much he enjoyed the article. And while due process and presumption of innocence are fabulous concepts that make our country the exceptional place it is, they tend to take a hit when you’re sending threatening texts to one of your alleged victims. So the Patriots did what any any organization would do when one of their employees all but announces their guilt by harassing their accuser – via text, no less – and released Antonio in advance of their game with the Jets last weekend.

This is where one would assume that we finally had the answer to our question and could declare with great confidence that Antonio Brown is not, in fact, a genius. But as I mentioned earlier, The Sport Dork is a patient man, so I waited, because after all, this is Antonio Brown, and one should never assume the story is over. And Antonio delivered on Sunday morning with a Twitter outburst that would make our President proud, attacking both Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger for their alleged past misdeeds and vowing to never play in the NFL again. The pledge to never play in the NFL again was a particularly interesting threat, since it would appear to hurt no one but Antonio, until you realize that he got a $9 million signing bonus from New England, and according to most experts the Patriots will be on the hook for the full $9 million in spite of their best efforts to avoid paying it.

So if you add up the roughly $30 million of guaranteed money from the Raiders, which they are withholding but he’ll probably get half of in a settlement, plus the $9 million from the Patriots, Antonio Brown could pocket upwards of $24 million from two teams that he played a total of ONE game for, and never has to play another down in the NFL. And folks, we’re right back where we started. Is it possible that Antonio Brown is ………………. a genius?

(It is true, by the way, that I was waiting to see how this story played out, but there is another reason you haven’t heard from me in a couple weeks. The Sport Dork celebrated a birthday last week, and I have been busy enjoying the greatest birthday gift in the history of birthday gifts, courtesy of Mrs. Sport Dork. I give you………………. the motion detected toilet bowl light!! (Order yourself one at

Cracker? Like a Ritz?

Week 1 of the NFL is in the books!  All thirty-two teams were in action, giving us a glimpse of what we can expect from our favorite teams this season.  There were so many story lines, like the Cleveland Browns showing us that just because you tell everyone you’re awesome doesn’t mean you are, in fact, awesome. Or the Miami Dolphins putting the other 31 NFL teams on notice that they are FULLY committed to securing the number one pick in next year’s draft with a 59-10 loss to the renowned offensive juggernaut Baltimore Ravens. Or the New England Patriots reminding all of those holding out hope that this might be the year that they finally get old and slow that the laws of nature do not apply to them, and that their quarterback may actually be Benjamin Button.

But in spite of all the action on the field this weekend and the many resulting storylines, the most entertaining story of Week 1 in the NFL continues to be one that has absolutely nothing to do with playing football.  It continues to be Antonio Brown, who, in spite of arguably being the best wide receiver in the NFL, has figured out a way to be even more entertaining off the field than on it. Now for those of you who aren’t big on sports, or the NFL specifically, I know what you’re thinking.  “Here we go – I knew it was only a matter of time before The Sport Dork started focusing on sports and talking about a bunch of sports stuff that I could care less about. I’m out of here!” But hear me out, and let me explain why that would be a mistake.  

If you’re a fan of any kind of reality tv, and you haven’t been following the Antonio Brown saga, you need to be, because you’re missing a reality show that is as entertaining and unpredictable as any episode of The Bachelor, Real Housewives, or The Kardashians.  You know how every show has at least one person they bring on whose only purpose is to do completely irrational, unexplainable shit and drive everyone else on the show insane? That’s Antonio Brown.  

In the interest of keeping this post under 20,000 words, I’ll summarize Antonio’s history in the NFL as follows:  while he was busy establishing himself as one of the NFL’s best receivers with the Pittsburgh Steelers after being drafted in 2010, most recently he was also busy throwing temper tantrums on the sideline, releasing unapproved post-game live videos from the Steelers’ locker room on Facebook, and twerking. 

During the recent offseason, the Steelers decided that perhaps another team would be more appreciative of Antonio’s dance moves and passion for social media, so they fielded trade offers, ultimately agreeing to send him to the Oakland Raiders for a third and a fifth round draft pick over a first round pick offer from the New England Patriots to avoid dealing him to their AFC nemesis.  There was great debate amongst NFL pundits, as well as anyone with a social media account, over who had ‘won’ the trade. Did the Raiders just fleece the Steelers for the best wide receiver in the league? Do the Steelers know something we don’t? Did they pull one over on the Raiders? Only time would tell. Fortunately though, this is Antonio Brown we’re talking about, so we didn’t have to wait long.

Antonio immediately endeared himself to Raider Nation and instilled great confidence in Raiders’ executives by getting cryotherapy in France – because cryotherapy pairs beautifully with a Bordeaux and a hunk of Camembert – where he proceeded to get frostbite on his feet because he left them exposed during the treatment. The frostbite was so bad he couldn’t walk for a while and had to miss some offseason workouts. Looking back on it, this probably should have been a clear signal that Antonio’s time with the Raiders may not end well, but it was easy to chalk it up to Antonio being Antonio. “What? You want me to wear those socks? Those socks aren’t nearly fashionable enough for Antonio! Frostbite? No chance! Antonio Brown doesn’t get frostbite!”

Antonio’s feet eventually healed, but his fragile psyche did not. As fate would have it, Antonio’s model of helmet, which he has been wearing for the last nine years, was deemed by the NFL to no longer meet its safety standards, which were implemented to reduce the risk of head injury. Antonio wasn’t alone – a number of other veteran players also had to trade in their old helmets for new models, not the least of whom was Tom Brady. Tom’s reaction to having to wear a new helmet (paraphrased)? “It kind of sucks because I like my old helmet.” (As he puts on his new helmet.)

Antonio’s reaction? He stormed out of practice and filed multiple grievances with the NFL for not allowing him to wear his old helmet, all of which he promptly lost, because as we’ve all experienced at work at some point in our careers, when someone’s paying you for a service, they make the rules.

This is when things got really good, like the moment when the awful Bachelor contestant confronts one of the nice girls that she’s been disparaging for no apparent reason and you know some shit is getting ready to go down.  Apparently while Antonio was busy missing practices because of his feet, helmet, lunar patterns, etc., he was also racking up fines from the Raiders. These fines were laid out in detail in a letter to Antonio from the Raiders’ General Manager, Mike Maycock.  How do we know this? Because in an entirely unsurprising move, Antonio posted a picture of the letter to his Instagram account to express his displeasure with his employer for doing something as outrageous as holding him accountable for his actions.

But Antonio decided an Instagram post wasn’t enough, so at a subsequent practice, when he spotted Mike Maycock on the field, he confronted the GM to voice his displeasure with his employer while the whole team looked on.  And this is where our story goes from good to great, because Antonio proceeded to unleash a barrage of obscenities, culminating with him calling Mike Maycock – wait for it – a cracker. Yes, a cracker. At this point you’re surely wondering, “What happened next?  Did Maycock say, ‘Excuse me?’ and then double over in laughter when Brown repeated one of the least used, most ineffective racial slurs available in our lexicon?”  

No, what happened next is that the Raiders did what any respectable organization would do when faced with an employee who has no idea how to effectively insult someone in 2019, releasing Antonio and therefore making him eligible to sign with any other NFL team.  Antonio then did what you would expect Antonio to do, posting a video to Instagram of him running around shirtless in his backyard while flapping his arms and yelling, “I’m free!” And of course crediting God for his release, because we all know the man upstairs has been dialed in on this saga from Day 1 and is big on helping incredibly selfish people who repeatedly make terrible decisions get exactly what they want.

And finally, because any story involving Antonio Brown must have unimaginable symmetry that could only be dreamed up by a screenwriter, hours after the Raiders released Antonio he was signed by the Steelers’ AFC arch rival and eternal nemesis, the same team that only months ago offered Pittsburgh a first-round pick for him, the New England Patriots.  So instead of getting a first round pick from the Patriots, the Steelers settled for a third and fifth round pick from the Raiders, and Antonio Brown is now a member of the Super Bowl-favorite Patriots, and the Steelers find themselves in the very position that they were trying to avoid, and the Patriots gave up nothing to get him. And while the Patriots were busy embarrassing the Steelers 33-3 to kick off the season Sunday night, it was announced that Antonio is crashing at Tom Brady’s house while he looks for a place in New England.  

Upon further reflection, could it be that Antonio Brown is……………………..a genius???

Are There Games On?

A few final pictures from our trip to Manila and Vietnam highlighting some of our transportation differences:

The one with the foliage deserves a second look. No, it’s not the outdoor department at Home Depot. There’s a scooter under there:

Anybody need a fern?

The one thing I took away from this trip is that the world is definitely getting smaller, as the Popeyes in Vietnam airport illustrates, but it still takes a hell of a long time to get there.

We found a lot of great souvenirs to commemorate our trip, but it wasn’t until we arrived at the Manila airport for our return flight that I found a souvenir that, while it has absolutely nothing to do with Manila, will bring me great joy for many years. Enjoy!

Scoring it to Maroon 5 felt right.

So I heard there were some football games on last weekend! It sounds like the SEC struggled mightily, which brought great delight to millions who hate the SEC. Because, well, you know, SEC fans are fairly obnoxious. But more importantly, also because we are now apparently a country that actively roots against sustained excellence.

What’s the deal with that, anyway? Why do we LOVE the underdog, but as soon as the underdog reaches the top we give them about fifteen minutes to enjoy it and then start rooting for them to fail? Excellence is fine, but sustained excellence? No thank you! That’s boring. We want you to succeed, just don’t you dare do it for too long or we’ll all be rooting for you to fail.

Anyway, the SEC struggled, and all the non-SEC fans are happy. Which brings me to another question. What’s with this insatiable desire to make everything about us vs. them?  Why are we desperately trying to find an enemy, typically where none exists? The media is constantly bombarding us with the notion that enemies lurk around every corner, and they can be classified by innumerable criteria. Political affiliation, nationality, race, wealth, gender – you name it – if there’s a differentiating characteristic to be found, you’ve identified a potential enemy.

And college football is no different. You’re an Alabama fan and I’m an Auburn fan? Well clearly you’re an idiot and I’m enlightened. We can’t both just be college football fans. We need to identify with an entity larger than ourselves and then actively support that entity and tear down others to reinforce our superiority. Without someone else to be lesser, how can we be greater? But what if we could be greater, just by embracing our commonalities instead of our differences, and reveling in the fact that while you may be a Tennessee fan and I may be a Florida fan, we’re all football fans? And sports fans? And human fans? Can you imagine it? What an incredible world it would be. All I’m saying is that we’re all in this thing together, so think about that the next time you’re about to rejoice in the defeat of an imaginary enemy.

Speaking of Tennessee, did you see the giant turd those losers dropped on their home field on opening day??!! You guys lost to Georgia State!! They’ve had a football program for about ten minutes! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I hope Peyton Manning has a flood insurance policy with Nationwide to cover all the damage from the tears he shed on Saturday night from watching his sorry Volunteers lose to Georgia State. And did you see FSU blow an 18-point lead and lose to Boise State?  Even after the game had been moved from Jacksonville to their home field because of the hurricane? And now their coach is blaming their conditioning on the collapse? Because they’re not used to the heat and humidity in Tallahassee, but Boise State is?  

Florida State and Tennessee both lost their home openers?  What a bunch of losers!!! Is it December 25th? Has Christmas come early?  I’ve been saying it for years, but I still can’t decide which makes me happier – watching Florida win or Tennessee and FSU lose. Go Gators!!!!

Remember guys, we’re all in this together.

Goooood Morning, Vietnam!!

Greetings from Vietnam! First, apologies are in order, as I ran out of time to hit the sauna as promised in Manila, so one mostly naked selfie is all you’re going to get. This week, anyway. Feel free to post heartfelt comments expressing your disappointment (or gratitude) in the comments section. Also, while we’re on the subject of the blog, you can subscribe for free by including your email address in the box that pops up when you get to this page. The way I understand it, every time I post another bit of genius, you get an email letting you know, so you don’t have to check the website every five minutes hoping for a new post. Think of how much time it will free up in your day. Literally hours back. And it’s free. For now. Once this thing gets rolling, it’ll probably be subscription only and $34.99 a month. And while I know you’d happily pay it, think of how much you’ll be kicking yourself if you had the chance to be one of the early Sport Dork adopters and missed your chance. Take thirty seconds now, and when you’re at a cocktail party years from now and someone mentions how they got in early on Amazon and have two yachts, you can look at them smugly and know that while you didn’t get in early on Amazon and don’t have two yachts, you did one better. You got in early on Sport Dork, and your soul is fuller than two yachts could ever make it.

The point is, you should totally do it. Everybody else is. In fact, if you don’t, you’ll probably be the only U.S. citizen who’s not, which will not be a good look for you. And you could risk deportation. I just read it online. New administration policy. Google it.

Seriously though, It took me about four hours to figure out how to add that feature, so a few of you need to throw me a bone and subscribe. I won’t do anything with your email address other than post it on the dark web, so you’ve got nothing to be worried about.

So where was I? Oh yeah – Vietnam, as only the Sport Dork could bring it to you! This trip has really challenged me to get outside my comfort zone and embrace new experiences, and I’m not talking about taking underwear selfies. We have sampled all kinds of exotic cuisine and visited incredible, sprawling markets with fruits and vegetables that we’ve never seen before. Here are a few pics of the amazing food we’ve seen and sampled.

Truly an incredible experience, and we’re grateful to have had the opportunity to explore another culture.

On a related note, I have now defecated in an airplane bathroom three times in my life, with two of those experiences occurring in the last five days. For those of you who struggle with math, that’s a 100% increase over my previous total. Talk about getting outside your comfort zone and accomplishing things you never thought possible. That achievement ties directly into another, which is that this may be the longest period of time I’ve ever gone without taking a stool softener.

Looking back on it, packing the stool softener was a foolish move. I could have used that space for another sleeve of Gas-X.  Mrs. Sport Dork gave me a hard time when she saw my Manila/Vietnam prep kit, but who’s who’s laughing now?

A Reasonable Man

Greetings from Manila!  When you’re working tirelessly on a blog, it’s important to take time for yourself.  With that in mind, and in order to provide you with a first hand look at all of the most culturally relevant aspects of international travel, I had my first Filipino massage at the hotel today.  It was very similar to my previous massage experiences, with one notable exception. After being led to the massage room, my masseuse instructed me to disrobe and place my clothes inside a cabinet.  So far, so good. Then she handed me a small clear cellophane package with something black inside and said, “And please put on these reasonable underwear.”

As my fellow massage aficionados can attest, when you’ve just agreed to pay a stranger to rub lotion all over your body for ninety minutes, no matter what they say, you nod agreeably in response.  So I smiled and nodded. On the outside. But on the inside? So many questions. It felt like an affront to my current underwear. Have you seen my underwear? Are they not reasonable? Are they too big?  Too small? How do you know I’m even wearing any? Maybe they’re the exact same kind that’s in this tiny cellophane bag! I’ll have you know that my underwear have been doing their thankless job faithfully for forty-eight years, protecting my valuables like a Brinks truck protecting, well, family jewels.  My underwear are the pinnacle of reason, thank you very much.

But seeing as I was moments away from getting rubbed down for ninety minutes, I waited for my masseuse to leave the room, flung aside my undies, and tore open the cellophane package standing between me and a brand new cultural experience.  Other than being black, what do ‘reasonable underwear’ look like? I’m glad you asked. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I opened the package. Would they have a caution label on them? Something like, “Contents Expand With Pressure’? Or were they a different kind of reasonable underwear?  Like reminding me not to order the extra spicy curry? The anticipation was overwhelming. 

When I opened the package, the first thing I discovered simply by touch is that reasonable underwear are – wait for it – mesh!  Which makes sense, if you think about it, because if there’s one place that could use some air, it’s your junk. The second thing I discovered, when I put them on, is that reasonable underwear are small.  Which also makes sense. Why waste material covering parts that don’t need to be covered? And the third thing I discovered about reasonable underwear is that they’re tight, because there’s no need to have your stuff flying around.  That would defeat the entire purpose of underwear.

With my genitals enjoying a new experience – secure yet breathing – I plopped myself down on the massage table and enjoyed a spectacular massage.  But when it was over and I was about to change back into my sad, loose, non-breathable, overly materialed underwear, I knew I had to share my discovery with the world, so I pulled out my cell phone and used it for the purpose for which it was intended – to take mesh underwear selfies.

Don’t miss tomorrow’s post – I’m gonna check out the sauna!

Tell Me More!!

By now, you’re of course wondering, “Who is this transcendent figure who calls himself ‘The Sport Dork?’” Sure, you’ve read the “Who is the Sport Dork?” section of the blog, but that only added to the intrigue and left you with a burning desire to know more about The Sport Dork. How could a man leave behind a moderately successful blog with a very small group of fairly committed readers and no ad revenue and return to the corporate grind? And why would he reappear twelve years later, knowing the crushing weight of expectations from his adoring fan base? Can he capture lightning in a bottle twice? Will it break him? And why is it ‘Sport Dork’ instead of ‘Sports Dork’?

You have questions. I understand. And the answers to your questions will be revealed in due time. Unless I shut down the blog again because I’m bored. But that’s part of the excitement, and as you’re already learning, is part of what makes the most compelling blog in the galaxy.

What I can tell you, only two posts into our new or possibly rekindled (I’ve missed you) relationship is that most importantly, The Sport Dork is a man of great vision and strategery. I’m talking George H.W. Bush levels of strategery. When I decided to bring back the blog, I knew timing was everything. Roll out Sport Dork 2.0 at the wrong time – say, right before curling season starts – and it could be over before the first brush thingy hits the ice. But roll it out at the right time, and it could take off like a lizard strapped to a bottle rocket.

So I waited for the perfect moment. A time when the entire country was brimming with anticipation and ready to revel in the insights of a man who could simplify the complicated, make sense of the unintelligible, and bring calm to the chaos. And it was obvious – there was one sport that needed the Sport Dork in 2019 more than ever. Football. Who else could possibly explain what constitutes pass interference, or targeting, or a catch, or a fumble, or a first down, or appropriate reverence for our flag in 2019?

It wasn’t even a choice. The Sport Dork had to return for the start of the 2019 college and pro football seasons. So I recovered my Go Daddy password, spewed a litany of obscenities as I stumbled through Word Press, posted a picture of cricket, a sport that I will likely never write about other than to mock occasionally, and Sport Dork was poised and ready to storm the internet.

There was only one thing left to do. If the 2019 version of Sport Dork was to be true to its 2007 origins, it had to channel the same international flavor as its predecessor. So with the opening weekends of both college and pro football approaching (I don’t consider that disaster I saw on Saturday night between UF and Miami football), Mrs. SportDork and I are heading to Manila and Vietnam, with no ability to see a minute of live American football action for the next week. Instead of sports, I will be regaling you with observations on Filipino culture and pictures of my selections from the breakfast buffet. Go read if you want to find out who failed which drug test and is suspended for opening day.

It’s called strategery, people. Strategery.


Can You Hear Me Now?

Twelve years ago, from a tiny flat in Horley, England, The Sport Dork took the world by storm, capturing the hearts and minds of tens of readers.  With weekly blog posts that usually kicked off by discussing a current topic in the world of sports and quickly devolved into a melange of rants about my ongoing battle with the mailman, home security, health, what I ate for dinner during the game and reflections on English culture, became a staple of American life for its readers. It was really never about anything more than killing some time during a year in England with no job, but I feel comfortable now admitting something that those of you who were part of the movement will certainly agree with:  The Sport Dork changed lives.

It was a simpler time then, before social media had exploded and any idiot with a smartphone could post endless pictures of their cat and offer ridiculous opinions on subjects they know nothing about.  Back then you had to be a special kind of idiot, one with the time and commitment to create a blog so you had a forum to spew nonsense once a week and hope people found it. The Sport Dork was just that kind of idiot.

Unfortunately, all historic, once-in-a-generation movements must come to an end. In the case of my World Book Encyclopedia, it was the internet that ultimately brought about its demise. In the case of The Sport Dork, it was similarly compelling, but much more sudden. Mrs. Sport Dork and I returned to the U.S., and I had to go back to work.  And while I had great intentions of continuing to shape American culture with obscure insights on college football, let’s face it – I’m far too lazy to hold a full-time job AND run a blog. So The Sport Dork faded into obscurity, GoDaddy changed their website hosting service, and I lost all of my posts, relegating them to folklore and leaving parents to regale their children with tales of a transcendent blogger with no real proof that he ever existed.  Like Bigfoot, but with less body hair and better similes.

But here we are, in 2019, and something you thought you’d never see again – like a remake of Ghostbusters – is happening.  I retired from corporate America to put all of my energies into blogging full-time (I told you I’m a special kind of idiot).  So the world gets a gift the magnitude of which it hasn’t seen since David Lee Roth returned to Van Halen, or Michael Jordan returned to the Bulls after playing baseball, or the Verizon ‘Can you hear me now?’ guy returned to do ads for Sprint.  A second bite at the apple, if you will. And you will. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Sport Dork is back. And with any luck, much like Horrible Bosses 2, the sequel will be at least sixty percent as good as the original.